Hindi, Marathi, Nepali
Recommended Fonts | Keyboard Layouts | Apple vs. Windows vs. Linux Rendering Issues | Credits
Recommended Fonts
The SALRC recommends the following Devanagari fonts for use in Hindi, Marathi, and Nepali language pedagogy and Internet applications:
[Click on font names or samples for specific information and text samples for each font.]
[ A - G ] | [ H - Q ] | [ R - Z ]
Akshar Unicode (akshar.ttf)
Free download from Kamban Software.
Note: This font also supports Devanagari, Kannada, Malayalam, Sinhala, and Telugu.

Arial Unicode MS (arialuni.ttf)
A commercial font available as part of Microsoft's Office 2000/XP, FrontPage 2000, and Publisher 2002.
Note: To access this font, the 'International Support' feature of MS Office/FrontPage/Publisher must be installed. See Microsoft support for more details.

Free download via the Technology Development for Indian Languages (TDIL) site.

CDAC-GISTYogesh (CDACYGNT.TTF [normal], CDACYGBT.TTF [bold], and CDACYGIT.TTF [italic])
Free download via the Technology Development for Indian Languages (TDIL) site.

Gargi (Gargi.ttf)
Free download via the Technology Development for Indian Languages (TDIL) site.

Jaipur Unicode NFLC (JaipurUnicodeNFLC.ttf)
Free download from the University of Pennsylvania.
Note: A number of non-Unicode versions of Jaipur are also available from the Penn site. The Unicode font package also includes the Tavultesoft Keyman phonetic keyboard layout program.

JanaHindi (RKJanaHindi.TTF)
Free download via the Technology Development for Indian Languages (TDIL) site.

JanaMarathi (RVJanaMarathi.TTF)
Free download via the Technology Development for Indian Languages (TDIL) site.

Kalimati (Kalimati.ttf)
Free download from Nepali-language book archive Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya.

Kanjirowa (Kanjirowa.ttf)
Free download from Nepali-language book archive Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya.

Mangal (mangal.ttf)
Commercial font included with Microsoft's Windows XP and Windows 2000, as a part of "Supplemental Language Support." For installation details, click on "How to Install Fonts and Layouts" or see Microsoft support (Windows 2000 and XP).

Raghindi (raghu.ttf)
Free download via the Technology Development for Indian Languages (TDIL) site, where it is called 'Raghu.'

Sanskrit 2003 (Sanskrit2003.ttf)
Free download from Omkarananda Ashram Himalayas, and packaged with their Itranslator preprocessing software for Windows. Donation to the Ashram's charitable activities is encouraged.

Thyaka Rabison (tr.ttf)
Free download from Nepali-language book archive Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya.

Input Schemes and Keyboard Layouts
For typing in Devanagari on Windows platforms, the SALRC recommends the following options:
- Windows 2000/XP Keyboard Layouts: Microsoft Windows 2000/XP offer full support for typing with Devanagari keyboard layouts in its multilingual support. These may be accessed through Control Panel > System > Languages, and are an optional installation (Click on "How to Install Fonts and Layouts" in the left navigation bar for more information). The keyboard may be viewed with the On-screen Keyboard Viewer (Start > Program Files > Utilities > Accessibility > On Screen Keyboard).
- Hindi Indic IME: Microsoft's BhashaIndia site provides a set of phonetic input method editors (IMEs), compatible with Windows 2000/XP, for Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, and Tamil. The IME is a separate application that must be run alongside Microsoft Office software. Note: The IMEs are designed specifically for MS Office, and do not function with other software.
- OpenOffice.org: A free, open-source office suite project that is Unicode-savvy, OpenType enabled, and able to run on Linux/Sparc, Apple OS X (with X11), and all modern Windows platforms, including Windows 95.
Rendering issues: Apple vs. PC vs. Linux
The fonts recommended on this page have been tested for functionality on PCs running Windows XP. They are, however, unsuitable for use with most programs under Apple OS X.
For Devanagari computing, Apple users (OS X 10.3 and above) are advised to install the optional Asian Languages Support package, found in the first OS X installation CD/DVD. This will install the "Devanagari MT" font as well as Devanagari keyboards.Hindi Unicode webpages should then display correctly by default in Safari. Note that Firefox versions below 3.0 do not display Devanagari.
To enable Devanagari Unicode keyboard support on Apple OS 10.4+, do the following:
- Open "System Preferences..." (available under the Apple sign)
- Select "International" (under Personal)
- Select "Edit List..." (under Language)
- Click "Show" (next to the desired language(s) [such as Konkani, Marathi, Nepali, Hindi, or Sanskrit]
- Click "OK"
- Select "Input Menu" (under International)
- Click "ON" next to Devanagari (which is based on the Hindi typewriter) or Devanagari - QWERY (which is phonetic)
- Close the window (press red button)
- To input in Devanagari, click on the national flag menu (likely US flag) on the vertical bar at the top of the screen and select one of the keyboards. The font will by default be Devanagari MT.
Note that Microsoft Word 2004 cannot properly render Devanagari. However, OpenOffice can, and it is also able to display the fonts above.
THDL provides a download for a Nepali keyboard layout for Apple OS X and further discussion on this topic.
These fonts are compatible with most distributions of Linux running Gnome or KDE. Most major distributions also offer or include free Hindi-language packages, which include keyboards and fonts.
Additional Resources and Credits
The content and design of this page rely largely Alan Wood's Unicode Fonts and WAZU JAPAN's Gallery of Unicode Fonts; these sites are excellent and up-to-date resources to find fonts, text editors, browsers, and other Unicode resources. The statistics and other font details appearing on this page have been used with their permission. Visit Penn State's South Asian Computing Information pages, THDL's Nepali Fonts pages, and Andrew Glass's Fonts page for additonal Unicode support.