Resources for the Study of Uighur/Uyghur



Compiled by Maggie Ronkin, Georgetown University




A=UCLA Language Materials Project <>

B=Center for Applied Linguistics,>



Hahn, Reinhard F. and Ablahat Ibrahim. 1991. Spoken Uyghur. Seattle, Washington: University of Washington Press.

An introduction divided into three parts. Begins with an introduction to the orthography and sound system of the language, including information about Uighur morphophonology and prosody as well as suggestions for optimizing reading skills. Continues with fifteen chapters of language learning material divided into dialogs, grammatical instruction, vocabulary instruction and information about culture and customs of Uighur speakers in China. Provides glossaries, lists of morphemes, and a grammatical sketch in the third section.



Jarring, Gunnar. 1964. An Eastern Turki-English Dialect Dictionary. Lund, Sweden: C.W.K. Gleerup.



Kibirov, S. and Ju. Cunvazo, editors. 1961. Ujgursko-russkij slovar’ Alma-Ata, Kazakh SSR: ???

Dictionary of approximately 16,000 words, with parts of speech indicated and a grammatical sketch.



Nadzip [Nadzhip], Émir N. 1968. Ujgursko-russkij slovar’. Moscow, USSR: Izdatel’stvo “Sovetskaja Enciklopedija”.

Dictionary of approximately 33,000 words. Entries are in Arabic script. Cyrillic provided. Grammatical information occasionally included.



Nadzhip [Nadzip], Émir N. 1971. Modern Uigur. Moscow, USSR: “Nauka” Publishing House, Central Department of Oriental Literature.

The English translation of the author’s 1960 grammar “Sovremennij uigurskij jazyk,” 1960. Includes a general account of the language, with a sample in Arabic script, romanized transcription, and translation with notes.



Pritsak, Omeljan. 1963. Turki (New Uighur) Manual. Cleveland, OH: Microphoto Division, Bell and Howell Co.



Radlov, Vasilii V. 1972. Uigurische Sprachdenkmäler, Materialen. Osnabruck, W. Germany: Biblio-Verlag [1st pub. 1928, Akademie der Wissenschaften der Union der Sozialistschen Soviet Republiken.]

A reader of one hundred and twenty-eight Uighur texts with translations and annotations in Russian or German.



Raquette, Gustaf R. 1927. English-Turki dictionary, based on the dialects of Kashgar and Yarkand. Lund, Sweden: C.W.K. Gleerup.

A 142-page dictionary.



Raximov, T.R., editor. 1956. Russko-ujgurskij slovar’. Moscow, USSR: Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel’stvo Inostrannyx i Nacional’nyx Slovarej.

A dictionary intended primarily as a translation tool for use by Uigur speakers. Contains 30,000 entries from contemporary literary Russian. Uigur entries are given in both the modified Russian script usedin the Soviet Union and in the Arabic script used in the Chinese People’s Republic, with some standardization of spelling in cases where the

Uigur words are often written inconsistently. Parts of speech, illustrative phrases, and examples of usage indicated. A list of geographical names is appended.



Rudelson, Justin Jon. 1998. Central Asia Phrasebook. Oakland, California: Lonely Planet Publications.

A travelers’ phrasebook. See descriptive entry under ‘Pashto’.
